Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Time Traveller Team

On your time traveller...
I'd treat his  "different selves"  as completely different personalities almost.  You know how the YOU of today is probably MUCH different than the YOU when you were in High School.  Think about it that way as a time traveller.  His WWII self might be very naive and wonderous in awe of his "new" time travel ability.  His modern day version might be jaded a little (from the war and from his girlfriend dying)  but overall he's just a "heist crook" not a killer.  And his future self might have been broken, after the PCs took him to jail and let his girl die, etc...  Now he's a killer, INCLUDING killing his former naive self even maybe (as a villain weakness).   And then even maybe have a "good" version of himself, as if in all his "time" in jail he became a devout believer that his ways were wrong, etc... (basically like an old-school priest/... he found a "god in the machine" of time and changed)  now he *might* come back to help the heroes,  but believes that "god helps those who helps themselves"  and will only give the PCs tiny little helps and clues to foil his former selves...  and have the time-tech change (get smaller)  over the different versions of himself...

In fact... I'd do that and give him different names - to show the change AND confuse the players a little.  For example:

PRIMEVIL PETE  =  assuming that the REST of these time-characters use some sort of time-tech... I'd have just a fun random/time villain (of this same villain), be a caveman version of the time traveller, imbued with time-tech in his blood through some weird backward in time experiment the far future time traveller did... that warped himself into a neanderthal version with time-thermites in his bloodstream... heheh... that might be a fun "origin" story for the original character who was an archeologist or something who found a "Cyber-Raptor" and these old bones (his old self!)  with the time-tech in the DNA.  Not something HE could make biological, but he could use it like Pym-Particles to power time-tech machines...    Just a fun caveman brute type that can TIME TRAVEL too!!  Maybe just uses it for super super speed and big damn time-punches!

CODY CLOCK STOPPER  =  the WWII time traveller that TRIED to be a hero, but just wasn't suited for it, naive but a failure that only gets saved from stuff with his time-tech...

TEMPEST (aka. Mr. Minute)  =  Modern Day time-crook, who's a little bitter thief but not a killer yet.  (I'd have his "main" name be MR MINUTE or CLOCK-CROOK or MR. MEANWHILE,  hahah...  though and want to be called Tempest, to be more fun like "Paste Pot Pete" who wanted to be called the Trapster, but no one would call him that!)

DR. CHRONULUS "MASTE OF THE MINUTE", "TERRORIST OF TIME"  =  the "near" future true Mastermind Supervillain, Doc Ock + Magneto.  This guy definately would have tons of minions all with time-curcuits but I doubt he'd be trustworthy enough to give any normal supervillain minions he has time-tech.  Time-tech is probably ONLY given to his robots or Cyber-Raptors!

BROTHER TOMORROW or TIME TEACHER or FATHER TIME  or  THE ELDER  =  Far future master of time who now sees the error of his ways.  This guy might have a young sidekick, a squire in training like a Robin/AlterBoy... (like the Carrie/Robin from Dark Knight, a 10 year old girl called EARLY BIRD)

TERMINAL  =  a far future but ALTERNATE timeline version of "Brother Tomorrow" (or whatever his name is)  that is fucking insane like the Joker + Sabertooth with time powers.  He might put together a team "Team Terminal"  of supers and give them all time/speed units to use.  Who all he wants to do is "convict" and execute the other selves for "THE CRIMES OF TIME TREACHERY!!" 

The fun of this is you have a virtual "team" of time villains that you could play up... They might even know of each other  (the future selves know the youngers better of course)  But they all have a  "dislike"  of the others in different ways,  and might even look up to or envy or PITY their future selves.  You could have fun giving them all different costumes and sidekicks they've tried over the years.  I'm imagining a "Bucky" style young man with a dog sidekick (TICK-TOCK or CLOCK-CANINE or something fun).  Then dream up very different cool versions of the others... figure out a KEY point that ties them all together,  either a visual thing  (they all have blood-shot eyes from the time travel stress)   or  a personality tick  (they all stutter,  but elder versions have it under better control only when they get mad).  etc..

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