Friday, December 31, 2010

Fuck that noise!

I'm not opposed to "cursing" in normal life. I'm not a foul-mouthed sailor-man either... It doesn't offend me, though I know when it's appropriate and not in real life.

However, in game play ...
I get *shocked* out of game and dislike when players use swear words that are NOT in the style/fiction of the game world. I would get frustrated if a player or NPC started saying "Fuck this, cocksucker...", etc...

I'd rather the player say "Blork that" or some other word that the group establishes as in-game fictional curse words.

So... our modern colloquialisms bug me when used inappropriately in settings. That said... playing in a White Wolf modern game having a pissed off PC/NPC go on a cursing rant "Pissant, cocksucking, Fucktard fuckers!! Eat shit and die!!" is perfectly in-game to me.

For example...
In an Iron Kingdoms game I GMed, I actually mentioned this when a player said "fuck" and asked them to use "Farg" instead (a word I made up on the spot) to represent the curse word "fuck" in that game... because "fuck" took me out of it... LOL
I'm weird that way!

I'm wondering what other folks think/do for this... Or if it's even ever been something you've considered.

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